Fentanyl Addiction Treatment

We treat addictions to various opioids and painkillers, including fentanyl addiction. Most people are unaware that fentanyl is far stronger than morphine and is part of the same family. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, not only is fentanyl stronger than morphine, it’s 50 to 100 percent stronger. Morphine and fentanyl are used in hospitals to dull pain signaling from the brain. Since it is readily absorbed through fatty tissues during surgeries, fentanyl is a fast-acting and potent anesthesia.

Because of the potency of this opioid, the addiction to fentanyl is one of the most addictive painkillers known in the addiction treatment space. At Cypress Lake Recovery, we work with patients who have suffered from chronic pain and addiction to these painkillers that consume their lives. To reduce our patients’ physical and emotional dependence on fentanyl and other painkillers, we offer chronic pain management using Dr. Flowers’ proven holistic therapies.


Use of Fentanyl

To understand the seriousness of fentanyl addiction, it’s important to know how it’s used. When opioids are abused, the way in which they’re taken is part of the reason they’re so effective, and we can understand how it affects the brain and physical body. Fentanyl is sold as a powder, in slow-release patches, tablets, blotted papers, and as a liquid mixed with heroin; it can be injected, smoked, slapped on the upper arm and swallowed or absorbed on the tongue with these blotted sheets. These opioids are made to be absorbed through delicate and permeable mucous membranes and fatty tissues, so they are fast-acting.

How Fentanyl is Sold and Produced

The DEA recently put out a warning to anyone handling fentanyl in the medical community and other prescription-only handling positions as well as to users of the street drug. Although fentanyl is in the same family as other opioids including morphine, oxycodone, heroin, hydrocodone and codeine, there is an increasing issue in the drug-trafficking department that suggests what people believe to be heroin is fentanyl in disguise.

Those purchasing what they believe is heroin are getting something that is much more than they bargained for since fentanyl is a much stronger synthetic opioid. This is cause for alarm in the law enforcement community because addiction to heroin is as high as 4.5 million people in the population; fentanyl will only create more addiction in addition to what we already have a difficult time treating in the justice system. When fentanyl is sold as heroin, users handle the drug as if it were heroin and don’t realize that breathing the molecules accidentally can start shutting down your breathing and organ function.

Production of fentanyl is done in labs all over the world. The vast majority is made in China and Mexico, and it is known to be much cheaper than heroin to produce since there is no need to search for illegal poppy production.

For Family Members and Friends:

Pain killers can be extremely dangerous to a person’s physical and mental health. The addiction can start many different ways. Some cases, pain killer addictions occur after a major surgery is done where the pain killer is prescribed for healing. Some people could become addicted to the drug and abuse it without even knowing it. This is where a friend or family needs to step in if you notice any signs and symptoms above.

Fentanyl is a pain killer that can be disguised as Heroin. There is a big problem with street drugs that are being sold to addicts with a pain killer addiction. You never know where or when it could start, and it is so important to be aware of the possibility. An addiction to pain killers can spiral out of control very quickly, and as a friend or family member, it’s essential to be there for help. Contacting Cypress Lake Recovery for treatment and therapy will be the best decision for your loved one.



Side Effects of Fentanyl:

  • Impaired judgement
  • Respiration issues
  • Breakdown of the nervous system and nerve ending with extended use
  • Chronic Pain Management Alternative
  • Memory lossLoss of motor function
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • DizzinessLoss of appetite
  • Muscle pain
  • Manipulated emotional state
  • Heart conditions
  • Social drawbacks
  • Increased affinity for addiction to other drugs
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • and much more

Chronic Pain Management

Wherever you experienced the effects of fentanyl or any opioid painkiller, whether it’s in a hospital setting to help reduce pain or if you purchased it on the street, you can understand why people would use this drug to reduce pain. However, there are other ways to reduce chronic pain that doesn’t involve addictive drugs that are highly fatal and prone to overdose throughout the United States. Our chronic pain management system will help you learn new skills that can manage this pain in a natural way. Each chronic pain management treatment is customized to address your localized pain that is unique to you. You can live without addiction, and we can help you get there.

The addiction to fentanyl gets worse the longer someone takes the drug and the increasing amount in which they take it. Those addicted to this drug may be able to see that have a problem when the bills start piling up and they start to feel the slow breakdown of their bodies from its use. Discontinuing use of the drug and trying to get sober is difficult because of the intense withdrawals that come with these drugs that have such a high connection to the nervous system. When patients are scared to stop, they take pills and ingest the drug just to stay away from these withdrawal side effects. We understand this concern, but at Cypress Lake Recovery, we offer medical detox with specializing physicians and medical staff to help you through every step safely.

If you or someone you care for is addicted to opioid painkillers like fentanyl, call Cypress Lake Recovery today to learn more about our addiction treatments. We’ll create an addiction treatment plan that will help you stick to the path of recovery.

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